The Wiley Data and Cybersecurity eBooks Library is now available via the IEEE Xplore Digital Library. Provide your researchers, students, and professionals with access to this prestigious eBooks collection that can help fuel growth and foster innovation at your institution.
Experience a new all-in-one information platform built for practicing corporate engineers in communications: IEEE DiscoveryPoint for Communications. Find reliable industry-specific solutions to support every stage of product design and development.
IEEE strives to support all authors and readers globally. That means being able to offer any author a publication venue that is compliant with their circumstances, regardless of their funding status, the publishing mandates they may have in place, or where in the world they may work.
IEEE announces 3 new fully open access journals and 5 hybrid journals coming in 2023.
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The IEEE Xplore Digital Library is your gateway to trusted research— journals, conferences, standards, ebooks, and educational courses—with over 5 million articles to help you fuel imagination, build from previous research, and inspire new ideas.
IEEE Xplore Digital Library Subscription Options
India has a commitment to expand opportunities for technical and vocational education and skills development to encourage innovation, entrepreneurship, and career enhancement. A subscription to the IEEE Xplore Digital Library supports these goals by expanding access to the best information in the field—the same research that the top institutions in the world rely on to support their engineering programs.
The IEEE Xplore Digital Library provides schools in India the competitive edge needed to be recognized as a leading university, with the ability to attract top students and faculty. As innovation continues to be a leading driver of economic growth worldwide, it is imperative that research and development initiatives are top priority for established and developing nations.
IEEE Electronic Library (IEL)
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Provides full-text access to the cutting-edge research papers and findings from conferences in a wide range of technology areas.
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