Provides full-text access to cutting-edge research papers and findings from conferences in a wide range of technology areas.

The IEEE Proceedings Order Plan (POP All) is brought to you via the IEEE Xplore Digital Library.
IEEE POP All provides full-text access to the cutting-edge research papers and findings from conferences in a wide range of technology areas, including computer engineering, biomedical technology, telecommunications, electric power, aerospace, consumer electronics, and many more.

- The latest cutting-edge papers from the leading innovators in technology
- More than 1.1 million papers available in POP All from all IEEE-sponsored annual conferences
- Over 260,000 papers available in POP from approximately 100 core IEEE conference titles in POP
- Complimentary access to more than 16,000 papers from 20+ VDE conference titles for POP All subscribers
- Research available first—usually months in advance of the leading journals
- Backfile to 2017

- Robust search tools with a user-friendly interface
- Abstract/citation and bibliographic records for subscribed content
- Daily updates with hundreds of new papers added each week
- Title lists with persistent links and new periodical titles:
Please note: This product backfile is being updated to extend back to 2017, effective for all new subscriptions starting in January 2022.